Embarking on a lifetime with music isn’t for everyone. It takes discipline. It means realizing you will never be satisfied where you are, and more concerned with where you aren’t. It means making time for practice and creativity in our busy lives. And it is a lot of fun. Guitar players have it easy. It … Read more

It is the Parents that Make Children Better Students
It still amazes me about some parents who bring their children to lessons, that they haven’t fostered any type of appreciation for music themselves much less with their children. The children of these types of parents do not even know what a guitar sounds like, much less what it is capable of, or the rich … Read more

Some Looping Devices I Use
Many loopers available allow you to switch between loops, so you can make an entire song over pre-recorded verse/chorus patterns. This isn’t the way I use loops though. While this idea might be fine for a 1 man band situation, or rehearsing ideas, it is the live manipulation of the loop which starts the creative … Read more

Cool Gift from a Student
This Fretbox, built by Virgil Guitars, was given to me by a student a week before he passed away. His passion for music was felt every time he came in to see me, and he remained enthusiastic about music throughout his sickness. Tom, thank you, and rock on with the greats you admired.

It is the Sound That Matters…
So many guitarists work on technique these days, and I am no exception. I mean, the mechanics of playing- flying up and down the fretboard at faster and faster speeds. It is a young (mostly male) thing, no different than the runner trying to be the fastest or the weightlifter going with a few more … Read more

My Origins with Looping
Looping is just the repetition of small bits of sound, somehow manipulating that sound and then playing live music over the top. The original version used magnetic tape actually taped together to form a loop. These days, it is done digitally, with loopers able to record up to several hours of material. I originally got … Read more
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