Here are some notes about my Collectives project from a few years ago: Guitarist and composer Dave Eichenberger has completed a unique project called Collectives. Simply put, this collection consists of 50 CDs which each hold an hour of improvisation. Each CD is completely unique, and has its own artwork as well as date and … Read more

The Collectives project consisted of 50 hours of music on 50 CDs. I received a grant from the Cultural Affairs Division of the State of Florida and the National Endowment for the Arts to complete it. Each CD was unique: only one existed, so when it was bought, that person was the only one with … Read more

All About Dave THE BEGINNINGS Guitarist and sonic iconoclast Dave Eichenberger has been exploring the sounds of the guitar in conventional and unconventional ways for over 40 years. Influenced initially by the Beatles, and later by British hard rock bands, he began experimenting with tape loops, completely unaware of those who had experimented in those … Read more

That time I was ‘Artist of the Day’ in Tampa Bay
This was for my Collectives project, and I guess something they were doing at the time. This is from the big newspaper in the Tampa Bay area, so I am humbled they took notice of what I am doing. Check out the article here.

Selected Releases
These are a handful of the releases I have appeared on. There are others, but these are the main ones. Dave Eichenberger: Collectives Sampler, Vol 2 Dave Eichenberger: Reward Your Toil Sampler Dave Eichenberger: Reward Your Toil Dave Eichenberger: Collectives Sampler, Vol 1 Dave Eichenberger: Christmas Presence Dave Eichenberger: Collectives (50 cds) Dave Eichenberger: Trust … Read more

Welcome to the new site!
Welcome to the new address for my website. I hope to more regularly update this one, as it may be easier for me to manage. For the time being, I will post the album covers for my Collectives project, as they are all really cool. Check em out!

Dave’s Blog A Selected Discography Dave Eichenberger: UBU 32 Days of Balance Dave Eichenberger: Collectives, Vol 2 Dave Eichenberger: Reward Your Toil (14 hours) Dave Eichenberger: Collectives, Vol 1 Dave Eichenberger: Collectives (50 cds) Dave Eichenberger: Trust Action Dave Eichenberger: Analog Mythology Dave Eichenberger: Christmas Past Dave Eichenberger: Digital Mythology Julie Black: River of Blood … Read more